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He who was seated on the throne said, “I am making everything new.” – Revelation 21:5

Everyone needs a new beginning. After Jonah failed and ran from the call of God, we read, “The word of the Lord came to Jonah a second time” (Jonah 3:1). He’s the God of the second chance (and a third, if you need it)! When David failed so badly, he discovered there was “a fountain opened to the house of David for sin an uncleanness” (Zechariah 13:l). The good news is you can start again! You can close the door on your past with all its pain and failure. The only place it can live is in your memory. The only power it can have over you is the power you give it. Paul says, “Forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before” (Philippians 3:13).

As I look back at the problems and painful situations I’ve been in, I confess that it was my best thinking that got me there. So I need His guiding protecting hand in my life every day. How about you? Child of God, your Shepherd knows where the wolves are lurking, where the poison pasture is waiting, or how close you are to the ditch. You don’t. So trust Him, follow Him and commit everything to Him, even those moments when you’ve failed. He is someone you can trust! You can experience a new beginning, starting today.