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When I see blood, I will pass over you – Exodus 12:13

God told His people to put blood over their door, which meant He would see them through the blood. He said to put blood on the side posts, meaning the blood would separate them from the world. Finally, He told them to stay in the house and when He saw the blood, He would pass over them. And the blood is still the sign that marks us as His.

When I was growing up, some of the major denominations removed all mention of the blood from their preaching and their hymnals. One prominent leader called it “a slaughterhouse religion,” and said it was out of step with the space age. The results were disastrous. Multitudes left the church.

If you take the blood out of your Bible, it becomes dead history. If you take the blood out of your church, the body becomes a corpse. If you take the blood out of your preaching, men and women will die in sin. They may call us fundamental- or completely mental-but as long as we have breath, we must preach that “the blood of Jesus, [God’s] Son, purifies us from all sin” (l John 1:7, NIV). My father told me when I was young, “when you pray, plead the power of the blood of Jesus and watch God move and Satan flee.”

Remember, we overcome the devil “by the blood of the Lamb” (Revelation 12:11). That’s why he’s so sea red of it!