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How shall we escape if we neglect so great salvation. – Hebrews 2:3

There are certain warning signs that let you know you’ve been neglecting your spiritual life. When you find yourself being critical towards others instead of complimentary; when you find it’s easier to tear people down that to build them up; when you’re too tired to go to church but not too tired to sit home and watch TV for hours; when you’re not reading the Word, or praying, or sharing Jesus with others-these are clear signals that you’re heading for a breakdown. If you see them at work in your life today, then don’t wait another day longer -do something about it now!

On the dashboard of my car there’s a series of gauges. They let me know about such things as the brakes, oil, engine, transmission and cooling system. I’ve never been mechanically-minded but I have learned, at considerable cost, to pay attention to those lights and gauges. Paul warns of the peril of neglecting our salvation. You don’t have to neglect your garden for very long before the weeds will claim it. You don’t have to neglect your car for very long before it breaks down. You don’t have to neglect your marriage for very long before it becomes a statistic.

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