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Then he restored the altar of the LORD 2 Chronicles 33:16, NIV

Just about anybody who has ever made a difference in the Bible built an altar unto the Lord. Abraham built seven during his lifetime. In this story, Manasseh turns back to God. Listen: “In his distress he sought the favor of the LORD his God and humbled himself greatly before the God of his fathers” (2 Chronicles 33:12, NIV). Few have fallen lower than this man. He promoted witchcraft, practiced human sacrifice and even put a huge idol into the temple. Yet, in a Babylonian prison, he turned to God and to the One whose “compassions fail not.” And God, who is rich in mercy, reached him, restored him, and gave him another chance … and He’ll do it for you, too!

Nehemiah says, “Thou art a God ready to pardon” (Nehemiah 9:17). Did you hear that? God is ready when you are-all you have to do is come.

Manasseh rebuilt his altar, and so must you. An altar is a place of cleansing; and today you need to allow the blood of Jesus Christ to cleanse you from those attitudes and actions that rob you of your fellowship with Him. An altar is also a place of sacrifice. Ask Abraham! It’s here that God asks you for your first, your only, your best and your all. If you’re not giving it to Him, then you need to re- examine your life, put first things first and rebuild your altar. That’s His word to you today.

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