Just keep traveling steadily along His pathway and in due season He will honor you. Psalm 37:34, TLB
David’s brothers were lining up to be the next king of Israel. They were competing for fame and glory. Not much has changed. But Samuel passed them all up and went out into the fields looking for David. When he found him, David was doing what he had been doing for a long time-tending his sheep. Now child of God, here’s the word for today: Stay where He put you, and when you’re ready, He will come and get you. It took one slain lion, one dead bear, and years of getting to know God, but David was now ready. God has always been ready-He lives that way.
The problem is us! Restless, competitive, and discontented, we strive for success. We reach, and overreach, and finish up empty-handed. God sees what men don’t-our hearts. The difference between David and his brothers was they were striving-he was yielding. See the difference? Let others strive for thrones and crowns. The right place for you to be today is in His presence, doing faithfully what He has ca I led you to do. Just I ive that way and when you’re ready, He will come and get you.