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I am the Lord your God who teaches you to profit, who leads you by the way that you should go. Isaiah 48: 17 – AMP

Can you imagine your heavenly Father wanting less for His children than you and I want for ours? I have three children. The oldest is Nathan. He once played for the Detroit Tigers and is now in finance. He has a loveable daughter who touches our lives in many ways. My daughter Alecia has her degree in Bible from Southeastern University and has 3 beautiful children. Jordan, her husband, is gifted, talented and a blessing to us al l. My youngest son, Jonathan, works with an engineering firm in Boca. He’s a high energy, talented young man with a great future.

If you think I’m proud of them you’re right! I delight in their success. Whatever touches them also touches me. Whatever I can do to help them succeed, I will gladly do so.

Are you getting the message? Your heavenly Father wants you to know that He cares about your career, education, business, home, marriage, family, health, and everything that concerns you. Furthermore, He has promised to teach you how to profit in everything you put your hand to. The question is, are you listening and following His instructions? The best teacher in the world can do nothing for you unless you acknowledge that you still have much to learn, so open your heart and mind to receive it.

As you walk in the Word , you ‘ll discover that God wants nothing but the best for you.

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