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Lord, what will You have me do? – Acts 9:6

If you asked six different people that question, you’d probably get six different answers. But God has only one answer: obedience. Doing what God tells you to do, when He tells you to do it. Mordecai Ham preached “one of the most u unsuccessful crusades of his career” in North Carolina, early in century. After weeks of preaching, only one ten-year-old boy gave his life to Christ. The evangelist was completely discouraged. What he didn’t know, however, was that the boy, Billy Graham, would someday preach to more people and win more souls than any evangelist on record. If bringing Billy Graham to Christ was the only thing Ham ever accomplished, he was a great success.

It was an obscure Sunday School teacher who led D. L. Moody to Christ when he was a boy. Years later it was said of Moody, “He took two continents and shook them for God.” When I was young, my father took us to the house of God every time the doors where opened and drilled the Scriptures into us. At times, I’m sure it must have been difficult and discouraging as he raised four independent and stubborn boys. But all four of us are serving God and involved in various different ministries reaching many with the love of Jesus.

So, the only question that really matters today is, “Lord, what will You have me to do? Think about it.