The word of the LORD came unto Abram in a vision, saying, Fear not, Abram: I am your shield, and your exceeding great reward. Genesis 15:1
The first man in the Bible to pay tithes was Abraham. Later, when he was going through a rough time, God spoke to him and said, ”Fear not, Abram: I am your shield”-meaning, ”I am your protection-against inflation, theft, unemployment, sickness, and anything else that would try to devour your blessings.” Then God continued “And [I AM] your exceeding great reward.” In Bible College, I learned that these three words have a special significance in the Hebrew. The word ”exceeding” means rapidly; the word ”Great” means ”increasing in abundance,” and the word ”reward” means money supply. Think of it! In his hour of need, God appeared to Abraham and said, in essence, ”I am your protection, and rapidly increasing in abundance money supply.” Hallelujah!
Since you and I have been grafted into the blessing God promised to Abraham (Romans 11 :17) and the heirs to his promises, we can claim this same blessing. But remember what Abraham did-he tithed. If you haven’t been tithing, I encourage you to pray about it and begin to obey God today in this matter. When you do, you’ll be living under His protection and you’ll be able to say with Abraham, ”He is my rapidly increasing in abundance money supply.” What a promise!