“In everything set them an example by doing what is good.” Titus 2:7, NIV
In his book, “The Star Thrower”, Loren Eisley tells of the day he was walking along a beach where thousands of starfish had been washed up. He noticed a boy picking up starfish one by one, and throwing them back into the safety of the ocean. When he asked him why, the boy said, “If I don’t, they’ll die!” But how can saving so few make a difference when so many are doomed?” the author asked. The little guy picked up another starfish, threw it back into the ocean and said, “It is going to make a lot of difference for this one!” Eisley left the boy and went home to continue writing, only to find he couldn’t type a single word. So, he returned to the beach and spent the rest of the day helping the boy throw starfish back into the ocean.
How do you change the world? It’s by one life at a time, one act of kindness, one step of faith, one expression of love. There’s only one Moses, one Paul, one Shakespeare, one Lincoln, but it’s the numberless acts of courage and commitment by ordinary people like you that make the difference. You bring the Kingdom of God something special that no one else has to offer.