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Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you. I Peter 5:7, NIV

Perhaps you’ve done all you can and things aren’t getting any better. That’s a frightening place to be, but spiritually speaking, you’re on the threshold of a miracle. Don’t beg and plead with God, He’s your Father. Jesus said, “Your Heavenly Father knows that you have need of all these things” (Matthew 6:32). He knows what you need.

Hannah Whitehall Smith tells of a man riding on a horse and wagon who saw a stranger struggling under a heavy load. He stopped and offered him a ride. As they rode along together, he noticed that the stranger kept carrying a huge sack on his back. So he said, “Why don’t you set it down?” The stranger replied, “Oh no, it’s good of you to carry me but I couldn’t expect you to carry my burden, too.” Now you may smile, but isn’t that what you’ve been doing?

Listen to this promise: “I will be your God throughout all your lifetime, yes, even when your hair is white with age. I made you and I will care for you” (Isaiah 46:4, TLB). And if you need more assurance, listen: “The eternal God is thy refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms” (Deuteronomy 33:27). When you stop taking those cares back, your enemy will stop bringing them back. Now that you know this, start acting on it.