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“Behold, I am here, Lord.” Acts 9:10

Ananias was just a disciple, but when Saul of Tarsus needed to be saved, he was ready for the job. Imagine it; he led the apostle Paul to Jesus, and then prayed for him to receive his sight. Before Paul left that house, he was filled with the Holy Spirit and called to the ministry. What a testimony Ananias had!

If the Lord had a job for you to do today, would He know where to find you? Would you be ready?

If God nudged you today about speaking to someone who is hurting, could you handle it? Could you respond like Ananias and say, “Behold, I am here, Lord.” Do you realize who Saul of Tarsus was? He had a death warrant for every Christian in town, including Ananias. Little wonder Ananias said, “Lord, I’ve heard many people talk about the terrible things this man has done to the believers in Jerusalem! (Acts 9:13, NLT). Isn’t it wonderful: God doesn’t consult your past to determine your future. Don’t ever write somebody off because of what they’ve been through. Hannah said, “He … lifts from the garbage dump and sets them among princes (1 Samuel 2:8, NLT). Don’t try to get ready-be ready and God will use you every day!